Adrian Rippon and Yvette Heritage installing shear strips at Moranbah North Mine.
SCT are now just over a year into an ACARP project titled “Review of Rib Failure Mechanisms”.
This project is aimed to improve industry understanding of the mechanics of rib failure to provide for improved rib support design throughout the life of mine.
SCT are using a combination of field measurement and computer modelling to assess the mechanisms of rib failure and rib support performance.
The work program includes field measurement of rib deformation at three mines sites – Moranbah North Mine, Ulan West Mine and Appin West Mine. Monitoring sites are located in gateroads on development and during longwall retreat.
The field work includes monitoring of rib bolt loads and rib yield characteristics using instrumented bolts, extensometers and shear strips to investigate the nature of yielding and performance of the rib bolts. The geotechnical monitoring instruments are made and provided by SCT.
SCT staff Yvette Heritage, Adrian Rippon and Ben Blacka have been involved in implementation, installation and monitoring of the field monitoring sites with appreciative assistance from various mine staff.
Moranbah North Mine and Ulan West Mine sites are now completed, with Appin West to occur shortly. Results will be provided to the industry at the end of the project.
If you would like further information on SCT instrumentation or would like to discuss how we can help you understand your mine site geotechnical issues please contact us.
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