Computer modelling provides a method of simulating overburden caving due to longwall extraction. The computer modelling methodology has been validated in ACARP studies and papers.
Computer modelling provides a method of assessing the behaviour of longwall supports and the interaction between the supports and the strata. The computer modelling simulates the dynamic behaviour of the supports and strata during longwall retreat.
For nearly 30 years, SCT has incorporated numerical simulation of rockmass and reinforcement behaviour into our design process. We have validated our 2D and 3D design approach for small scale tunnels to large scale caving operations in Australia and globally.
Caving of overburden strata, as occurs during longwall mining, results in fracturing through intact rock and the development of new flow pathways. The resultant hydraulic conductivity of the rockmass can be 4 to 10 times greater than the pre-mining “tight” formation conductivity.